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Chest Pain Score 

Privacy Policy

The Chest Pain Score is exclusively for use by fully qualified physicians. This tool is used to predict through statistical analysis the probability of one having obstructive coronary artery disease, being a facilitator for treatment and diagnosis in healthcare. It should not be used as a single diagnostic method since each clinical patient has their own individuality. We do not take any responsibility for the improper use of this App. We do not perform any kind of registration or data collection by the user.

Política de privacidade

O Chest Pain Score tem seu uso restrito a médicos capacitados. Este aplicativo é uma ferramenta que utiliza estatística para estimar a probabilidade do paciente apresentar doença arterial coronariana obstrutiva, sendo facilitador para o tratamento e diagnóstico em saúde. Não deve ser utilizado como um único método de diagnóstico, visto a individualidade de cada paciente. Não nos responsabilizamos pelo uso inadequado deste aplicativo. Não realizamos nenhum tipo de cadastro ou coleta de dados pelo usuário.


What is it?


The Chest Pain Score app is a smartphone calculator that supports diagnosis and treatment in healthcare, which is capable of generating an accurate percentage that predicts obstructive coronary artery disease in patients with acute chest pain. This app was mainly designed for doctors in the emergency department.


This App was designed to allow the doctor to use a few patient's information to quickly calculate a diagnosis probability, which is a very important feature for the emergency department. Furthermore, it is still possible to switch the language to English or Portuguese, making the app accessible to several countries.

Thus, this App is a tool that applies statistics to predict obstructive coronary artery disease, being a facilitator for treatment and diagnosis in healthcare. It should not be used as a single diagnostic method since each clinical patient has their own individuality. We do not take any responsibility for the improper use of this App.

Reference article:

The calculator within the app was created using  one of our published papers as the reference, entitled: A Multivariate Model for Prediction of Obstructive Coronary Disease in Patients with Acute Chest Pain: Development and Validation. Read the abstract below. In case you want to read more about it, click here to get access to the full paper.


The score itself was made by a derivation sample of 370, and a validation sample of 100 patients.The predict model achieved an area under the curve (AUC) of 0,86 (95% CI: 0,79-0,93) in the validation sample:


Research group:


RESCA — Acute Coronary Syndromes Registry is a Research Group accredited by CNPq, under the leadership of MD Ph.D. Luis Cláudio Lemos Correia and in force at Hospital Aliança — Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The Registry is a line of research from the Graduate School of Bahiana School of Medicine and Public Health (EBMSP) and linked to the Hospital São Rafael (HSR) and Hospital Aliança (HA), two tertiary hospitals. Our Research Group has been in force since 2007.

RESCA studies risk markers in acute coronary syndromes, and it is composed of two segments: RESCA itself, which exclusively includes patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS), and RDT (Chest Pain Record), whose sample consists of patients who present acute chest pain, without necessarily meeting diagnostic criteria for ACS. 


About the collaborators:

Main inventor: 

Luis Cláudio Correia - Main inventor of the app and leader of RESCA, being the first author of the reference article of the calculator built into the app. Currently head of the cardiology department at Hospital Aliança, director of the evidence-based medicine center (Bahiana School of Medicine and Public Health) and chief editor of the Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare. Email:


Amir Gabriel D. S. Andrade - App Main developer. Responsible for formulating the source code and design of the application. Furthermore, it is responsible for releasing the app on the “Play Store” and “App Store”. Computer scientist and professional "Fullstack" using React and NodeJS. E-mail:

João Victor Almeida dos Santos - Co-developer of the app. In charge of translating the logistic regression calculation into the application's fundamental logical language, and the app's design leader. Current medical student at the Bahiana School of Medicine and Public Health. E-mail:


Marcus Vinícius Almeida dos Santos - Main app illustrator. E-mail: 

Vinícius Gomes Tanure - Initial algorithm development and designer. Translator at Taha Brasil. E-mail:



Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública

Av. Dom João VI, 275 - Brotas
Salvador, BA

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